20 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring a Professional Web Designer

A great philosopher named Socrates used to go door-to-door with one purpose: to ask people questions. He always felt that it wasn’t the answer that mattered as much as it was the way they came to their conclusions.

Still, the answer is important when it comes to your web design team. You need to know that they will be able to make your web design unique and customized to your needs.

What kinds of questions do you plan to ask your potential web designer? The questions you ask someone that you plan to use for your web designer are important.

Just like any interview for help with a project for your business, asking the right questions at the onset will go a long way toward getting the best web design company that can help your business to reach its objectives.

20 Questions to Ask Your Web Designer

1. What experience do you have with web design?

This is one of the most important questions you could ask when interviewing potential web designers to do your website. The level of experience of your web designer is directly related to their ability to create what you want. They don’t have to have been in business for several years, but they do need to know what they are doing on a professional level. Ask for samples. The work says it all.

2. What tools and technology do you use to get the job done?

It’s important to know what kinds of tools a web company has at their disposal to help you with your website. Some tools you would want them to have is a graphic design program, software for video editing, and more.

3. Do you offer other services besides web design?

It is to your advantage to choose a web design company that can deliver other services in addition to web design, such as graphic design and multiple design tools.

4. What is your turnaround time?

Creating a website is not done overnight. Quality should come first. However, you don’t want to hire a design firm that has such a long turnaround time that is it counterproductive. Ask your potential web designer how long it will take based on how many pages and assets you want on your page.

5. How much does it cost?– Cost is important when it comes to your web designer. Remember that you will be saving time by hiring an outside web design firm, but you will have to pay for it. Ask your web designer what the cost estimate will be, based on what you want on your site. If you have a limited budget, you can always add onto it later. It might be wise to start basic and add to is as you go, if you are pleased with their work.

6. Can you do web design within my current platform?

This is an important question to ask your web designer, especially if you already on the WordPress platform or another platform that you prefer.

7. Do you do coding?

The ability to do coding in addition to drag-and-drop design is important as it allows for complete creative freedom. By having expert coders at your fingertips, there is nothing you can’t do with your site, and you are not bound to the rules of a template or platform.

8. Are your sites mobile-friendly?

With the number of mobile users climbing exponentially, it is important that your site is mobile-friendly. Make sure your web designer will work to ensure that your site is mobile-ready and that media can be played easily for your mobile users.

9. Can you make my website responsive?

Just like your site should be mobile-friendly, it should also be responsive in other ways. Some of the responsiveness of your site has to do with navigation and accessibility for mobile users, as well as all of the other elements that increase your site’s UI and UX.

10. Do you do animations?

Animations add a new dimension to your websites. Ask your web designer if you can have them do 2D and 3D animations to include in your design to increase engagement.

11. Can you increase the engagement level on my site?

Increasing the engagement level of your viewers and visitors will go a long way toward improving your conversions and revenue as well as gaining new leads.

12. Do you do infographics?

Infographics are a great way to capture the attention of people that may normally bounce off your page. They are dynamic and allow you an opportunity to share information in a visual format.

13. Do you do original graphics design?

If you want a truly customized website, you will need a web designer that will allow you to create original graphics for your site design. You don’t want to rely on only pre-formatted graphics.

14. Can you customize my site to fit my business needs and customer base?

Customization is the most important aspect to hiring a web design team. It gives you the ability to have your site created in an original way.

15. How flexible is the design?

You need flexibility in your design so that you can change your site to meet the changing needs of your business.

16. Can you use WordPress as a backdrop for my website?

WordPress is a popular format for creating easy websites. But a professional design team can usually create your design to be compatible with WP if you prefer their platform.

17. Can you incorporate eCommerce functions?

If you want to incorporate eCommerce functions on your site to sell products or services, ask how your web design team can help you do this.

18. Do you have any marketing help for my site?

If you want marketing options for your site, make sure and ask your web designer if you can get this included in your package.

19. Do you have a portfolio?

Portfolios allow you to see the work your web design company has done so that you can judge for yourself if they will work for your site.

20. What information do you need to get started?

Ask your web design company what information you will need to get started with your design so that you will be ahead of the game.

WebDesignTeam has All Your Answers

WebDesignTeam.com can answer all of the above questions for you and we are capable of handling all of these aspects of your web design. We have the expertise, resources, and tools to create your customized page the way you want it for your business.

We offer 2D and 3D animations, infographics, and coding capabilities so that you will have no limits on your creative freedom.

Contact us today and get a free quote, look at our portfolio of work, and ask us any questions you have! We look forward to dealing with you.

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