Using LinkedIn Groups to Improve Your Brand Presence

Are you looking for ways to promote your brand?

Are you a LinkedIn member? If not, why not? LinkedIn may have a reputation for being the go-to social media for business. But you’d be surprised how few eCommerce business owners have tapped into its potential. LinkedIn members get to enjoy a wide range of benefits, and they are adding things all of the time.

Some of the latest additions include:

  • Blog posting
  • Professional Gallery
  • A unique URL
  • How Your Connection tool
  • Targeted searches with advanced people finder tool

Many tools were already being used on LinkedIn that allowed you to perform searches within the LinkedIn platform, as well as a resume tool that allows you to post your entire resume online.

Of course, we know our audience is not interested in finding a new job for the most part. Most of the people who read our blog are already well-established online business owners who just want to promote their brand presence. But LinkedIn is a great tool that can help you do this using many of the tools we discussed above.

If you have never heard of LinkedIn Groups, you really should look into this aspect of the popular social platform.

What are LinkedIn Groups?

LinkedIn Groups provide a place for professionals to connect to others who are in the same industry and to share content and find answers to their questions. It gives you a platform that allows you to establish yourself as an industry leader and expert.

How to LinkedIn Group Work?

You can start your own LinkedIn Group by going to this link. Then start inviting people to the group.

Once you have created a group, you can send announcements to the group where everyone gets the message at the same time. Use it to make announcements about important upcoming events, online meetings or webinars, and other activities.

This is an excellent way to let your in-house staff know what you need them to know as well as announcing new ideas, concepts, or products to your clients or business partners.

Other Ways to Use LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups allow you to explore the latest conversations on the Conversations page and participate in conversations. When you interact with others in the group, this increases the give and take that you have with clients and prospects, while increasing your credibility within your industry.

The Importance of Credibility

Credibility is an important factor to work on if you are trying to build a brand online and improve your brand presence. Establishing credibility has a lot to do with how others view your expertise in your field. You can establish credibility by developing a good record of service to your customers. But you should also work on creating a sense of respect in online forums and circles that deal with topics that your customers and B2B partners care about.

Only by communicating regularly with your peers in the business world and online will you be known as an “influencer.” Once you can be seen as an influencer in your industry area, you can help other smaller business owners to get more visibility, which will show that are also trying to help your fellow entrepreneurs in your industry.

Tips to Building Your Brand Presence with LinkedIn Groups

Follow the following tips if you want to start increasing your brand presence by using LinkedIn Groups:

1. Invite key people that you want in your group to join.– If you want to get your message in front of certain people, you need to have a platform to do it. Sometimes you may have specific people that you need to view your message so that you can increase your web presence and get on the radar of key people. LinkedIn Groups helps you do this by allowing you to invite specific people to your group.

Then you can share a presentation, idea, or discussion with them in a forum that it is appropriate to do so.

2. Share a link to new eBooks or publications on LinkedIn Groups.– Writing a book is another great way to increase your visibility online with your brand. Once you have written your eBook or hardcover book, place it on Amazon Kindle or iTunes, then provide a link that you share with your LinkedIn Group members. If you have done a good job of recruiting group members, you should be able to get them to have an interest in books or publications that you share. If you don’t already have a website or blog, you should definitely consider it, as it’s a great way to grow brand and protect your reputation.

Just make sure you keep the topic relevant to what the group is about.

3. Share your LinkedIn profile and groups on Facebook and other social media.– When you cross-promote your links on other social media, you are increasing the potential to reach more people exponentially. Sharing your link and getting others to share it within your LinkedIn groups can go a long way toward increasing your reach to your target audience, no matter what platform they are on.

4. Provide a link to all of your social media profiles on your main website.– Putting links to all of your social media profiles on your main website will encourage your website visitors to join your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. The more social media you can get your message on, the better your return will be.

5. Encourage visitors to share and to ask to join your group.– Ask visitors to share your link and invite others to join the group. Creating excitement for your LinkedIn groups will increase the sense of the importance of the group’s purpose.

6. Make your group exclusive to those who focus on the important topics.– When something seems exclusive or hard to get into, more people will want to join. This is just basic psychology applied to business. It is the same technique you use when you are selling products with a limited supply. The less supply, the higher the demand.

So tell people that you are only open to a certain number of people and you’ll be amazed at how many will want to join.

7. Share video and podcasts with your group regularly.– Using media such as video and podcasts to share on your LinkedIn Groups will help you to establish your web presence faster. Using media to tell the story of your business and how you can hep customers to improve their lives will help you stand out from the crowd.

Where Your Website Comes In

Of course, when you cut away all of the social media platforms and other places that you are promoting your brand, it all comes back to “home, sweet home.” That is your website. Your website is your online web property and the place that people return to when they want to know what your site is about.

Does your website match up to the web presence that you want to promote to your adoring public? Are you willing to share your website URL on your LinkedIn groups and profile? If not, perhaps it needs a facelift.

Visit us at and we can assess your website and give you some ideas on how it could be better. In fact, “we can rebuild it. We have the technology!”

If you want a six million dollar website, contact us at

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