11 WordPress Tutorials to Increase On-Site Engagement

If you are a WordPress user, you’ll want to tune into this post. We love WordPress, too and we have found that many of our customers like to keep their WordPress format and integrate it into our web server and site design. That’s no problem with that when you deal with our web design team. Just let them know that you are using WordPress when you sign up for one of our web design packages.

In this post, we offer some excellent WordPress Tutorials that will help you to increase your on-site engagement so that you can promote your jobs that will result in a higher rate of conversion and engagement.

1. Click to Tweet WP Tutorial

If you are a WordPress user who wants to increase your engagement levels with your target audience, you may get some good tips out of this tutorial by KickStart Commerce. This is a short, but content-filled video tutorial and the author shows you how to install a WordPress plugin that will allow you to insert the “click to tweet” function within your WordPress page.

2. Responsive WordPress Tutorial

This video tutorial shows you how to create responsive WordPress page that will increase your level of engagement by creating a more responsive website with the WordPress platform. The video will take you through all of the steps required to create a better WordPress site so that you can get more engagement on your posts. Keep in mind that this tutorial teaches you how to do it from scratch so you’ll only want to do this if you plan to learn to create your own WP templates or plugins. Also, you will have to go to the WordPress.org site that has the downloadable link rather than the WordPress.com hosted site.

3. Ecommerce website on WordPress

This is a very detailed video tutorial by katrinah.com where she shows you in great detail how to create a new WordPress eCommerce website. There is a lot of detail involved in setting up an eCommerce site so that’s why this video is longer than many you’ll come across. Be prepared to watch for two hours and forty-five minutes if you want to watch this tutorial. But you should get a lot out of it. Remember that building eCommerce capabilities into your WordPress site will significantly increase your level of engagement.

4. How to Track User Engagement for WP

In this tutorial, you’ll find out how to track user engagement for WordPress using Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a helpful and complex tool that allows you to x-ray how your sites, blogs, and other online pages are doing with your target audience. This tutorial will teach you how to track, analyze, and monitor audience behaviors and make the most of your online traffic while boosting engagement. The Google Analytics tool can be focused primarily on engagement if you prefer so that you can target those behaviors that are most likely to result in higher levels of engagement.

5. Creating Better, Faster, and More Optimized WP Sites

In this insightful tutorial, you’ll learn how to create better, faster, and more optimized WP pages. When you increase the quality and speed of your site, you also increase the level of engagement. This informative online tutorial by Smashing Magazine will show you how to do that with tips that will help you to maximize your time and effort in the right places.

6. How to Change a WordPress Theme

This tutorial will show you how to change your WordPress theme or install or reactivate another theme within WordPress. This is an important skill because it enables you to change your theme anytime without a lot of hassles in trying to figure it out. When you find that your page is not getting the level of on-site engagement that it should, try changing your theme to something more exciting. You may be amazed at the level of results you’ll get.

7. Genesis Yearly Template Tutorial

This tutorial shows how you can install a plugin that will allow you to list all posts for the year in a systematic manner. The posts are listed in a grid that displays all of the different featured posts of the year so that they can easily be located. This might appeal to some of your readers who want to go back and find a post on a topic that interested them, and it is a convenience and a service for your customers.

Remember, adding value to your post or your WP system, in general, is going to add value to the customer’s experience and that is what will ultimately result in higher on-site engagement levels.

7. How to Start a Blog Using WordPress

The most common use for WordPress is obvious — which is to start a new website or blog. With more nearly 30% of all websites and blogs on the internet today using WordPress as their CMS to run their sites, we are continuing to see not only more sites rely on WordPress, but also new individuals getting started with a site of their own daily.

Thanks to various how to start blog guides across the internet and quite similar to the one we see at BlogNinja, it’s extremely easy for anyone to go live with a site of their own, even if they never have before. These simple step-by-step tutorials make the process of registering a domain name, setting up web hosting and installing WordPress a breeze.

9. Mastering WordPress Navigation Menus

This tutorial is more than one tutorial. It is a compilation of 15 more tutorials that will allow you to gain insight into how to master the navigation menus on the WordPress platform. Why is this important for social engagement? Well, remember a little something called the customer journey and web responsiveness and engagement? Well, it will all come together and increase all of these things if you can create a navigation menu that people like. Remember to make it user-friendly and responsive to mobile users as well.

10. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

If you want to know how to increase your level of on-site engagement, you need also to take a look at how you are encouraging off-site engagement. Even if your goal is to increase on-site activity among customers, you will want to place share buttons on your site to share your content off-site as well. Why? Because people look for this when they find something they are interested in online and they want to share it on their social media pages. Check out this tutorial by Code Canyon on this topic to learn more.

11. WordPress 101

f you just need to go back to the basics and pick up on anything you missed the first time around, here is a great basic WordPress tutorial for you. You’ll find lots of helpful tips and tricks plus an overall view of what WordPress can do for your site or blog.

Where to put it?

Once you have the knowledge to increase your level of engagement on your WP site and you have built your WP site to your liking, you’ll need to think about where to put it. WordPress is meant to be a standalone platform. However, you can do more.

If you have us build your website at webdesignteam.com, we can incorporate your WP website into our web server quickly and easily at no extra fuss. Just talk to one of our seasoned expert web designers to learn more.

We design custom-made WP and other types of sites professionally and smoothly with the use of our vast array of tools, expert coders, and engineers. You’ll be amazed.

Check us out at webdesignteam.com and get your free quote today.

Hurry! The world can’t wait to see what you have to say.

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