Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create a Successful Facebook Fan Page

Do you have fans or an existing audience to your website or brand? Building a fan base used to be something you only heard in artists’ and musicians’ circles. But now, you hear it in every niche area and industry on the web. Because of the increasing popularity of social media sites like Facebook, it has become increasingly important to build a fan base and connect with users on a real level.

Facebook is one the best ways to improve your brand’s presence on the web and engage and delight customers. Facebook statistics show that the number of users on Facebook have reached 1.71 billion in the second quarter of 2016.

If you do not have a Facebook fan page, you are missing out on a potentially large number of customers and leaving money on the table.

Facebook has some great tools for businesses to maximize their presence on their social media platform. One of these great tools for businesses is the Facebook Fan Page.

Facebook Fan Pages are a great way to increase your customer interaction level and get more people to connect with your brand.

Steps to Creating a Facebook Fan Page

To create a Facebook fan page, follow these steps:

1. Start by signing into Facebook and creating a Page.

After logging in, you can then click this link to get started. If you go through this URL, Facebook will lead you through the process of creating a fan page quickly and easily. Choose whether you are a business, a company or institution, brand, public figure, cause, or entertainment industry representative. Then proceed through the forms to start your fan page.

2. Create a stunning timeline and profile photo.

Your timeline photo is crucial to the impression others have of your brand on Facebook. It should be something that will be appealing to your target audience, and that will have a professional look and appeal. On a Facebook fan page, your timeline photo represents your brand so choose carefully which image you will use to represent your company. Many businesses use some activity or event that they are involved in to achieve this. Your profile photo can be your logo or anything else that people will associate with your business.

3. Focus on the About Info.

After you have uploaded your timeline photo, you will want to add the About info. This part is also important because it is information that you will use to tell people about who you are, what your purpose is, and how you can help them. This section is now located right under your cover photo.

4. Include mobile apps.

With everyone going “mobile,” it’s important to be mobile friendly on Facebook. The app section is included in Facebook fan pages, and it is located in a column to the left of your fan page. You are allowed spaces for up to 10 apps.

5. Create a status update.

To create a status update, simply click on the text box under the pencil that says, “status,” and you can make a new post. To start, it is recommended that you focus on posts that summarize what your brand is about so that people will get to know about your company and what you offer them. Once you have established your bearings, you can also post things about specials, events, or other aspects of your business that will appeal to more people.

6. Pin to the Top.

One of the best features of a Facebook fan page is that you can pin a particular post to the top of your newsfeed. This allows people to see this post first when they first come across your page. It is recommended that you post particularly engaging content such as videos and photos that illustrate your business closer to the top. Also, recent events or upcoming activities should be displayed on top.

7. Gathering Leads and Followers.

One of the best aspects of a Facebook fan page is that you can create leads and gain more followers. These fans can turn into customers and brand ambassadors and help you spread the word about your brand. By using customized Facebook ads and other tools available on Facebook, you can increase your impact with your fan page and grow your business.

Tips on Maximizing Facebook for your Business

Use Facebook to do polls and surveys.

One of the things that are often overlooked about Facebook is that you can create polls and surveys right on the Facebook platform. By integrating third-party applications available on Facebook’s platform. Go to the Facebook search bar and type “poll.” You will get an app called, “Poll” that you will install on Facebook. This will allow you to create custom surveys to get answers to your questions from fans on any topic.

Use customized ads to increase views and clicks.

Facebook customized ads operate on a pay-per-click basis. You can spend as much money as you want or as little as you want, depending on your individual budget and needs. By creating custom Facebook ads, you can target the specific groups that you wish to target and access thousands of people who may be interested in your brand.

Increase engagement by more posts.

One of the most important things you can do once you have your fan page up and running is to post regularly and often. Facebook pages that are put up and left alone seldom get new views. Post on a regular schedule (no less than once per week) to increase your level of engagement. Many businesses or organizations commit to posting daily, and this greatly increases your level of engagement. Encourage responses from visitors by inviting comments and suggestions.

Include video and media.

People love seeing video and media on your Facebook. They also tend to share posts with video and other media more often than those with only text. Studies show they are far more engaged with photos and video than will text alone. Posts with only text do not convert as well. So try to include pictures and video whenever you can to increase your level of engagement.

Integrate Facebook with your website.

Don’t forget one of the most important tips. Integrate Facebook with your website. Your web content, including your website, Twitter and Facebook page, YouTube channel, and other platforms, all help permeate the web with the presence of your brand. Your Facebook is only one very important part of that puzzle.

Start with a great website that you can only achieve with professional web development. You can choose to do this yourself if you are particularly skilled in web design and development. But can help if you need us.

We are a team of highly-skilled professional designers, engineers, and creative tech people who love to help businesses maximize their impact on the web.

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Graphic design
  • Website design and development
  • 2D and 3D animation
  • Infographic design

Whether you are starting from scratch or just want to integrate your WordPress, Facebook fan pages, or blogs into our professional design, we can do it all.

Leave it to us and get back to business!

For more information, contact us at and see how to custom design can change your perspective on what is important and focus on the most important parts of your business.

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