Cross-Marketing Online Video and Web Content – What Works Best?

How do you market your video and web content? Do you just place it on your page or YouTube channel and hope for the best? Let us know how that goes! We’re not trying to be sarcastic, but anyone will tell you that creating content and placing it online are not enough to ensure that your content will be successful.

You have to be a marketer with your content if you want to improve your level of engagement and leads for your brand. If you have a video that you need to promote, we hope that you will benefit from our post today. We’ll talk about how to cross-promote your content whether you’re trying to develop a video or other content.

Tips to Promote Your Content

If you need to promote your content, here are a few tips to do this in a way that will increase your views, leads, and conversions that Google will reward.

  • Start with your video description.– Your video description is the place where you should use SEO and other marketing techniques to improve your search results. Start by creating an engaging video description and by using keywords that the search engines will pick up. Try using the same keywords in your title as the first line of your description. Also, include meta tags at the bottom of the YouTube description area so that you will increase your SEO power.
  • Link or embed your video on your main page.– Linking to your videos on YouTube from your main page is good, but it’s better to “embed” your video front and center on your page if you want to create a maximum focus on your video content. Refrain from using the “autoplay” function as this has been shown to annoy some viewers.But embed the video in the middle of the page so that visitors can start it themselves.
  • Cross-link your videos on YouTube.– One of the best possible ways to cross-promote your material is to link your videos to each other on YouTube. If you have more than one video (and you should), you can place a link to other relevant videos so that users who are viewing the other videos will also have easy access to your other content. This will increase traffic to all videos that you are cross-linking, and it can prove to be a very effective way to promote all of your video content.
  • Feature multiple videos and cross promote them.– As mentioned above, you should have more than one video. This will increase the chances of getting more people to check out your content and to become loyal followers of your content as well.
  • Share links with relevant sites.– If you have business partners or friends with websites that host content that is similar to yours, you could exchange links and create more hype for both your site and your friend’s site. Make sure the content is relevant and related to your niche area to avoid being penalized by Google.

The Social Media Factor

We cannot forget the importance of social media when it comes to promoting your content. Use Facebook, Twitter, and all of your other social media accounts to place links to your YouTube content to increase engagement. You can also embed new videos in your Facebook feed, and that is highly recommended! The more you can show your content and make it appear on the radar of your target audience, the more you will increase your leads and conversions. 

Integrated Media

The key to success in creating a great promotion is to cross-market your video and web content across several different platforms including YouTube, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and to create a network of backlinks to your content on reputable sites.

Google will not penalize you for cross promotions. There is a bit of a rumor online that this is the case, but it’s not correct. Some website owners got this idea because they have penalized some sites for having too many keywords or including content that was not relevant to their site. Just make sure you follow these Google standards, and you won’t be penalized for your cross promotions.

  • Stay relevant.– Google’s main requirement for online content is that it is relevant to what you are linking out to. This includes what you link between your content as well as linking out to other people’s content. If you use keywords that are not relevant to your content, you can be penalized by Google for leading visitors to content that is not relevant to your purpose.
  • Offer value.– Offering value includes producing high-quality video content and other content that your visitors will find valuable to them. People value different things, but if you know what your customers and prospects want, you can provide them with the content that they will appreciate. Matching content between searchers and your content is the ultimate goal for Google.
  • Be mobile-friendly.– Google also wants web owners to remember their mobile users and to provide content that is easy to access and take in by mobile customers. Make your site optimized using Google’s optimization tools and other methods and check your payment system to make sure it is working properly for these people.
  • Avoid spam or keyword stuffing.– When sharing and cross-promoting your content, avoid using keyword stuffing. This is the unethical use of too many keywords that are used primarily to get people to click out to certain links whether they are relevant to your content or not.

If you follow these standards, you shouldn’t have any trouble in promoting your content, whether it be video or web links. Just remember to provide value in your descriptions and promote your content in a way that will be advantageous to your target audience.

Good Guys Finish First

Avoid the use of overuse of keywords, while using them naturally within your text. This is what your customers want, too. Using “black hat” and unethical practices within your content will only serve to make you lose people who could have been customers. Even if you get them to buy from you once, they may not do so again because they do not trust you to deliver relevant content on a regular basis. Use ethical standards in everything you do and instead of one sale you’ll get a customer for life.

Start with a great video.

Before you can cross-promote your videos, you need a good video, right? If you do not have one yet, contact us. We are, and we specialize in producing the kind of video that people will respond to and appreciate.

Check out our online portfolio and see some of our work. Even if you don’t see something you like on our portfolio page, contact us, and we can tell you more about what we can do for your business to promote your content.

Start with a great video and then cross-promote it in the ways we have described above. You’ll be amazed at the results. That’s

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